
Gold Sponsor

As a gold sponsor, you will get the following benefits:A quarter-page ad in the event brochure, with standard placementA 2-minute video pres...

$ 2,500.00

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Platinum Sponsor

As platinum sponsor, you will get the following benefits:A half-page ad in the event brochure, with priority placementA 5-minute speaking op...

$ 5,000.00

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Diamond Sponsor

As a diamond sponsor, you will get the following benefits:Title sponsorship of the event, with your logo and name on all event materials, we...

$ 10,000.00

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Event Brochure Ads Rates

Advertise your business or services

The advertising rates for the event brochure are as follows:

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$ 300.00/y

  • A quarter-page ad is 4.25 x 5.5 inches, with full-color printing and glossy finish. You can provide your own design or use our template. You will get standard placement in the brochure, either on the left or right side of a page, or near the event sponsors or raffle prizes.
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$ 500.00/y

  • A half-page ad is 8.5 x 5.5 inches, with full-color printing and glossy finish. You can provide your own design or use our template. You will get priority placement in the brochure, either on the first or last page, or near the event agenda or speaker bios.
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$ 10,000.00/y

  • A full-page ad is 8.5 x 11 inches, with full-color printing and glossy finish.
  • You can provide your own design or use our template. You will get premium placement in the brochure, either on the front or back cover, or the inside front or back cover.