Diamond Sponsor

As a diamond sponsor, you will get the following benefits:

Title sponsorship of the event, with your logo and name on all event materials, website, social media, and stage backdrop

A full-page ad in the event brochure, with premium placement

A 10-minute speaking opportunity at the event, to showcase your brand and products.

A branded booth at the event venue, to display your products and interact with attendees.

20 complimentary tickets and VIP access to the event, for you and your guests

A special recognition and thank-you from the event organizer and MC

A tax-deductible receipt for your contribution

Price: $ 10,000.00
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Platinum Sponsor
Dec 2023, 11:43 AM
Gold Sponsor
Dec 2023, 11:45 AM
Diamond Sponsor
Dec 2023, 11:40 AM